Costume Design Services: San Francisco

Luma Creative provides professional costume design services in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through our years of high-quality video productions, we’ve built a wardrobe that is unmatched.

Costume Design Explained

It goes hand in hand with set design. From vintage pieces that draw eyes from all over, to more modern looks that leave our viewers in awe. Our eclectic portfolio of costume design is sure to impress. Many brands are seeking to push the envelope as far as what can be deemed an ad. Whether it’s a chic dress or a tattered blouse, we’ll be sure it fits the part.

Costume Design Services San Francisco

Transforming Characters with Exceptional Costume Design

Sophisticated looks take time and energy to put together. Your viewers will be drawn in by the looks that we are able to piece together. Perhaps you considered dressing your actor in a non-relevant, seems pretty counter-intuitive doesn’t it?

A pertinent costume will make your video the best it can. One simply can not ignore the prominence of an eye-catching costume. Our casting director will help work with our costume designer to establish the wardrobe look. In some cases, we’ll even bring in a stylist if we are working with pre-fabricated outfits.

Luma Creative has a team of premium creatives and championed professionals. Everything has been thought of for our costume design services! Service that will make your brand shine. Our passion will lead to your success.

Need Costume Design Services?

Looking for costume Design Services in San Francisco? Look no further!

Contact us today!

Luma Creative is a San Francisco Videographer specializing in all scale productions. How to design a costume? What sets our costumes apart. How to clothe an actor. The best clothing for actors.